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Beware of Scams: Top Tips for Spotting and Avoiding Fraudulent Cash Home Buyers in Nashville

by | 25 April, 2023 | Uncategorized

Selling your house could be a stressful experience, with many decisions to be made, including whether to sell the traditional way with an agent, or to seek a cash home buyer. While cash offers can be swift and hassle-free, cash home buyer scams are unfortunately common. 

As a Nashville homeowner, it’s essential to be aware of potential scammers and protect yourself during this process. This article will discuss some common scams in Nashville to watch for, along with tips for identifying legitimate cash buyers and protecting yourself. 

Scam #1: Bogus Buyer with a Fake Bank Deposit Receipt

A deceitful cash home buyer may say, “we buy houses in Nashville TN,” and send you a bank deposit receipt for an earnest money deposit. They’ll claim the receipt is from a reputable local bank and that the funds are ready for release upon certain conditions being met.

However, upon closer examination, you’ll notice irregularities in the receipt, such as misspelled words, incorrect formatting, or a non-existent bank branch location. The scammers hope that you’re too rushed or inexperienced to inspect the receipt thoroughly.

Tips for Avoiding Scam #1:

– Verify the authenticity of the bank deposit receipt by contacting the bank directly

– Always insist on using an escrow service to manage earnest money deposits

Scam #2: Bait and Switch Offers

In the bait and switch scam, a fraudulent buyer makes a high offer to help you sell your house fast in Nashville while also imposing a short closing time frame. You quickly accept the offer, believing it to be a good deal.

However, just before the closing date, the buyer suddenly requests various repair work or price reductions, claiming unforeseen issues or financial setbacks. Out of concern for the time constraints or fear of losing the sale, you might accept these demands at the expense of your profits.

Tips for Avoiding Scam #2:

– Avoid accepting excessively high offers that seem too good to be true

– Negotiate a longer closing time frame, allowing you to more easily resist demands for last-minute changes

Scam #3: Phantom Investors  

This scam involves a fake cash home buyer suggesting they represent a group of wealthy investors eagerly searching for properties in Nashville. The scammers create an illusion of urgency, convincing you that you’ll miss a lucrative opportunity if you don’t act quickly. They might ask for an upfront fee to secure the deal, but once the fee is paid, the so-called investors vanish without a trace.

Tips for Avoiding Scam #3:

– Refuse to pay any upfront fees for deals that seem too good to be true

– Conduct thorough research on the cash home buyer and “investors” they claim to represent

– Verify the legitimacy of their claims by checking online reviews, company registration records, and BBB ratings

Identifying Legitimate Cash Home Buyers

A legitimate cash home buyer Nashville TN has the proper credentials and a proven track record. Look for the following indicators when vetting potential cash buyers:

– Proper business registration with the state of Tennessee

– Online presence, with a well-maintained website and active social media profiles

– Positive reviews and client testimonials

– Willingness to provide verifiable references and past transactions documentation

– Availability to answer your questions and address your concerns in a timely and courteous manner


Selling your house to cash buyers Nashville TN can be a great way to get rid of your property quickly and easily, without having to go through the hassle of paying commissions or waiting for months while traditional real estate agents try to find an interested buyer. 

However, it is essential that you take the time to properly vet any potential cash home buyers before making a decision. Check their credentials, take a look at their past transactions, and make sure that they have the necessary experience to provide you with the best possible outcome. Doing so will ensure that you get the best deal for your home and peace of mind during this process. 

Selling your Nashville home the old-fashioned way can be both costly and tedious. However, with RNL Realty Investments, you have a team of skilled real estate professionals with all the necessary resources for a hassle-free transaction.

With our streamlined process, selling your Nashville home fast can be a hassle-free endeavor. Get the cash you deserve quickly – no contracts, closing costs, or concerns about how to make a fast sale. We inspect, make an offer, and close in as little as 30 days because we care about your satisfaction. Let us handle everything on your behalf!

We encourage you to begin today by getting in touch with us! Let’s get started!

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